
Shaykh Rabīʿ Bin Hādī: The Claim That Al-Jarḥ Wal-Taʿdīl Is a Tribulation and Is Not Knowledge
Posted by Admin on Saturday, September, 24 2016 and filed under Clarifications

Shaykh Rabīʿ bin Hādī was asked:

What do you say about the one who says that al-Jarḥ wal-Taʿdīl is a mihnah (tribulation) and is not knowledge?

The Shaykh answered:

This one is a jāhil. This one is a jāhil. He is a deceiver (khāʾin) and one who deceives (ghashshāsh). He does not desire that sincere advice be given for Islām or for the Muslims.

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